“Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:4
In this verse, Jesus is not asking us to do something He has not. Think about the fact that He humbled himself as a child. He is the King of the Universe yet He put himself into the care of human parents and became obedient to them. We are constantly shown his humility and submission to the power of those around Him, even when He could have decimated them.
Have you noticed how a child can adapt and find happiness in any situation? Children have an amazing ability to adapt because they accept the fact that they can not change their environment. They have no power over the circumstances they find themselves in so they learn to function within those circumstances. This is the humility that the verse seems to be talking about.
Child-like humility in this life is found from a quiet confidence that this life is not where things will end. Things will change. We need to learn to humbly and quietly accept the will of God as a child, finding ways to cope in the situations we find ourselves in. Finding joy and peace in whatever situation we are in knowing that behind every cloud the sun is still shinning.
