Recently there has been some discussion on whether or not the new administration is actually righteous. The scriptures teach us that when the righteous are in power the people rejoice. Are we soon to go into a time of great joy and prosperity? Some have been dubious about the testimony of our new President because of his past and even his current behavior. To counterbalance the questions about his “righteousness” some have suggested that we haven’t elected a pastor but a government leader.
As I thought about this, I was reminded of the letter to the Philippian church written by the Apostle Paul. In the epistle, Paul explained his spiritual pedigree. He stated how clean and separated from the world his entire life had been. He was a Pharisee of the highest order and was a Jew from the best family. His behavior and connections had positioned him with the best reputation and power. Yet he said that all of this was crap to him (Well, he used the word dung, but you know what he meant). His only claim to real righteousness was through his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the righteousness that matters to God.
We can claim all kinds of behaviors as wrong. We can claim that we understand the ins and outs of righteousness. We can claim perfect knowledge of what a President should or should not say or do. However, at the end of the day, it comes down to one simple fact: Does he have faith in God through Jesus Christ? It is the same for you my friend. Faith in Christ is the only righteousness that changes our behavior. It is the only kind that makes us line up with what God wants not what we want. It is the only righteousness that keeps us from destroying people we don’t agree with whom God says are truly His folks. That’s what Paul found out.
