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What's The Point? 

My family is blessed to have been brought up with the Bible as our guide. We are descendants of many Bible Scholars who put the Bible in a revered place in their homes and passed that reverence on to their children. As a father, I am blessed to share my public platform with my sons as they carry on the tradition of “searching the scriptures to see if these things be so.” These are our thoughts. These are the things we talk about. We hope you are blessed by our musings.

- Dr. Dan Haifley Editor

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Dr. Dan Haifley

Founder, Editor, Writer

Dr. Dan Haifley is the Pastor of Maranatha Baptist Church in Mattoon, Illinois. He is the founder of Maranatha Christian Academy also of Mattoon. He has written several books including The Bible Study Toolbox which has become a guide to hermeneutics. 

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Pastor Ryan Haifley

Contributing Writer

Pastor Ryan Haifley serves as the Assistant Pastor at Maranatha Baptist Church in Mattoon, Illinois. He currently serves as the Head of School for Maranatha Christian Academy.  His contributions include articles from his column The Laodicean Pen

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Zachary Haifley

Contributing Writer

Zachary Haifley serves as a Deacon at Maranatha Baptist Church in Mattoon, Illinois. Zac is a deep thinker, not afraid to have theological discussions with just about anyone. He contributes articles on a wide range of topics. 

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